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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Short Story: voice of a doctor

 Voice of a Doctor 

Author: Philip Chan



Flash Fiction:  written in both English and Chinese

Instead of being a doctor, I became  a patient. Since adulthood, I have never cried, now I couldn’t help but cried.  My tears wetted the word POSITIVE on my Covid-19 report. 

I called my wife. My eight-year old daughter answered the phone. “Hello Daddy, I miss you.  Are you coming home now?”

I didn’t know what else to say but,“ Liz... I love you...”

“I love you too, Daddy.” Liz happily replied. “Here comes Mom.”

“Honey... Coming home soon?” My wife, Cindy, answered the phone. “It’s raining. Be sure to bring an umbrella.  I have already prepared your favorite dish and...” 

I interrupted with a coarse voice, “Honey, I have to stay in the hospital for a few days  ...  I ...”

Before I could tell her my report or say something to comfort her, she started to cry. I could hear mother and daughter crying. Liz’s crying voice got louder and louder. 

My tears flew down my chins like the River Nile and washed away the word POSITIVE on my report. 



我由一位當診醫生,而成為了醫院病人。 自成年以來,我從未哭過一次,但現在我忍不住哭起來。 我的眼淚弄濕了我的Covid-19報告,陽性” 兩字被睙水慢慢溶化。

我拿起电话给妻子通話。我八歲的女兒,麗莎,接了電話。  你好,爸爸,我掛念你。 你現在可以回家嗎?

我不知道該說些什麼,只好説聲,麗莎... 我愛你...”

 “我也愛你,爸爸。” 麗莎高興地回答。  媽媽來了。

 “親愛的...快回家嗎?” 我的妻子辛迪接了電話。  現在正下雨了。 記住帶雨傘。 我已經準備好了您喜歡的菜...”


我還未告訴辛迪我的報告,或者説些安慰的話之前,她開始哭泣。 跟著我聽到母女齊齊哭。 麗莎的哭聲越來越大。



Thursday, February 25, 2021

Daily Advice February 26, 2021 rice balls


Daily Advice February 26, 2021

吃汤圆   ***





Rice balls   ***

It is a custom to eat rice balls as desserts on the Lantern Festival Day ( 15 the day of the first Chinese calendar month). Different provinces have different ways of preparing their rice balls, but theyt) all have the same belief that eating rice balls means living in harmony and happiness. 

物色对象  ***





Look for partners.  ***

During ancientb Lantern Festival, both unmarried  men and women were looking for partners. This is equivalent to the Valentine's Day in the west. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Daily Advice February 25, 2021 LanterFestival

Daily Advice February 25, 2021

元宵節   ***





Lantern Festival    ***

Wish everyone has a sweet time celebrating Lantern Festival. Just say a few words of loving care is enough to represent a blessing. 

灯谜节   ***





Riddle Guessing Festival (Lantern Festival ***

Riddles are written on lanterns for people to guess on Lantern Festival. This is a culture on the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese calendar. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Daily advice February 24, 2021 Kind Words

 Daily Advice February 24, 2021

小心話說   ***





Be careful of your speech.  ***

Kind words can help people develop relationships. They may help people’s career development and even advance their careers.

怎樣看自己    ***





How you see yourself   ***

How others see themselves is not as important as compared with how they see themselves. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Daily Advice February 23, 2021 karma

 Daily Advice February 23, 2021

信不信由你 ***





Believe it or not.  ***

 Please do everything with your conscience. At times, you have to believe that no matter what you do, ultimately karma comes back to you. 

你好我好.   ***





Be good to each other.  ***

If others treat me well, I should return better treatment.  If others are no good to me, I’ll still try my best to be good. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Good advice February 22, 2021 joy and sorrow

 Get a copy of Enlighten or Good Advice Part 5 ( 一言驚醒梦中人

This book is rated 4/4 by Online Book Club 

Full review :

Author: Philip Chan



Amazon offers free read for the first 50 pages. 

Daily Advice February 22, 2021

心情美好.   ***





Good mood.   ***

Try to recall a  sweet memory of the last  and say softly to your relatives that you love them.  Such an action will make you have a good mood. 

喜怒哀樂.   ***





Emotions.   ***

When faced with joys and sorrows of life, no need to be too emotional. Don’t be too overly joyful when facing happy events and don’t grieve too much when facing sorrowful events. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Short Story : An Affair

 Short Story: An affair Short Story : Starts with "Pick up the pieces”…

Title: An affair 

Author: Philip Chan

"Pick up the pieces" Mary shouted at me. My glass of wine was shattered on the floor. She cried and screamed at me while we were having dinner. 

I knew I was wrong and should not lose my temper. I couldn't control myself when she told me to divorce my wife or else she would get rid of our baby. We argued heatedly and I accidentally pushed the glass. It fell on the floor. 

Since Mary got pregnant, I got emotionally disturbed easily. Although I had seen a therapist, it didn't help my situation. 

Mary said with determination. "I don't need you to pick up the pieces now. I can take care of it... I can look after my baby and my life. I have terminated our lease of this house effective tomorrow. You don't have to come back. I am out of your life." 

She pushed me out of the house with a traveling bag. She packed all my stuff inside the bag. I rang the doorbell and banged on the door. She didn't open the door for me. 

I drove home. As soon as I got into the garage, I sensed something was not right. I opened the door and entered the house, it was an empty house. Not a single piece of furniture was there. 

The only thing I could find was a divorce paper and a wedding picture cut to pieces on the kitchen counter. 

I sat on the floor and asked myself quietly. "Can I pick up the pieces? 


Since then, I signed the divorce paper and have been looking for Mary and our baby. 


Friday, February 19, 2021

Daily -Advice February 19, 2021 be happy

 Daily Advice February 19, 2021

自然會舒暢   ***





Naturally relaxing.   ***

When people wake up early in the morning, they should smile. Make sure they wear neat and clean clothes. Greet themselves in front of the mirror with a positive attitude. Naturally they feel better and relaxing. 

夢想成真 ****





Dreams come true.   ***

Have a dream every year. Make sure 

it is not a fantasy but something realistic and practical. Only then such a dream can come true. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Daily Advice February 18, 2021 People’s Birthday

 Daily Advice February 18, 2021

年初七。 ***





The seventh day of the new year   ***

Today is the seventh day of the Year of the Ox, the people's birthday. Wish everyone a long life and their life road 

is safe and healthy one. 

人日快樂    ***





 Happy people’s Birthday. ***

Wish everyone  a happy birthday. The door of “Fortune” is opened for you. On the left is a bull market and on the right is the road to everything going well. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Daily advice February 17, 2021 success

 Daily Advice February 17, 2021

忍耐 ***





Patience. ***

 Patience is a virtue. People with patience can avoid unnecessary troubles and can also turn things around, from bad to good. 

成功機會 ***





Chance of success.  ***

Chances of success are higher for people who can endure the temptation of the outside world in their daily work, and avoid spreading other people's gossip. 

Daily Advice February 16, 2021 Look Forward

 Daily Advice February 16, 2021

樂觀看前望 ***





Look ahead with a positive attitude. ***

Throw away all things that were in previous year.   Erase all scars and look ahead with a positive attitude.

又一年 ***





Another year.  ***

Snowflakes are flying all over the white ground.  Hopefully winter be gone soon and spring comes. Once time is gone, it will not cone back. Therefore have fun and enjoy the present moment. 

Daily Advice February 15, 2021


Get a copy of Enlighten or Good Advice Part 5 ( 一言驚醒梦中人

This book is rated 4/4 by Online Book Club 

Full review :

Author: Philip Chan



Amazon offers free read for the first 50 pages. 

Daily Advice February 15, 2021

愛河的世界. ***





Lovers in the world.    ***

No one in love is wrong when there is an argument. The only wrong is without cherishing each other. 

幸福快樂 ***





Fortunes snd Happiness   ***

In the year of the Ox, people are fortunate and happy if they accept reality in life and willing to better themselves daily. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Short Story - I want a kiss

 Short Story 

Title: I Want a Kiss

Author: Philip Chan

Email: goodadvicechsn@gmail.cotrm


A large group of about 400 parents and students gathered together at the Montville School in New Jersey for a high school graduation ceremony.

I stood behind a big tree, away from the crowd, looking at the graduation ceremony square searching for Martin. I  finally found him. He had been my idol since I was a little boy. 

Martin looked more matured with his graduation gown.  He would soon go to Boston College for his college degree. 

It took me a while to single him out from the crowd. Luckily compared with other boys, he was a bit taller, about six feet tall. He was indeed a handsome young man. No wonder he was surrounded by girls. I didn’t want to get close to him because I knew he would not have time for me. 

Martin and I were neighbors. He was two years older than me. Although I had no chance to play sports  or do extracurricular activities with him, we walked to school together everyday. He was the only son in his family and he treated me like his younger brother. Whenever I didn’t understand my homework, he would be happy to coach me. 

During school year, every day I got up early, I hurriedly had a simple breakfast. Then I sat near by the window and watched Martin passing by.  As soon as I saw him, I rushed out to join him walking to school together.

At one time, he didn’t see me coming out to meet him, he knocked my door to look for me. I was unwell that day, and I had to rest at home.

After school, he came to see me, chatting and laughing with me. I  opened a box of chocolates. We both loved chocolate and finished the whole box. My mom later found out and was angry with me. But that was one of my happiest days.

On his last birthday, after school, he asked me to go home alone, because a friend invited him to watch a movie.  After school, I went to the library and sat near the window to watch him leaving school. As I expected, he walked hand in hand with a female student leaving the campus.  I should have been happy for his dating, but I didn't. I felt I was hurt. Was I jealous? Jealous of what? 

On my birthday, we went to the stream behind Martin’s backyard for fishing. We caught some small fish but we put them back into the water. We had a good time till he started telling me his dating experience.  Every time he praised his girlfriend for being beautiful and empathetic, I would feel like a knife piercing my heart. He characterized her as a gentle, caring, lady-like girl, always smiling and cheerful. Was she really perfect? 

When he told me his intimacy with her and taught me what sex life was, I lost my focus on fishing.

Instead of sitting on my rock, I stood up not realizing a big fish was on my hook.  The fish pulled my string and I lost balance. I fell into the stream. He tried to catch me but he too fell into the water. The stream was about four feet deep. 

I hit my head on one of the rocks and blood trickled down my chins,my arms and shoulders bruised. 

He dragged me out of the water, and took me into his bedroom. He stopped the bleeding and put on a bandage.  

We both then went to shower together. He rubbed me with soup, got rid of the blood stain at my back and washed the smell of water from the stream. He them help me to dry my body. 

Apart from feeling embarrassed at that moment, I didn’t feel a bit shy but a sense of pleasure.  Looking at him showering and changing clothes in front of me also gave me a thrill. 

Since then, I always flashed back to that shower experience and I developed a desire to kiss him. I occasionally said to myself secretly, why not take the initiative to boldly pursue my wish: rush forward to hug him, and then make a mouth-to-mouth kiss.  

While I was thinking of the times we were together, a voice called my name "Chris."

I turned back, and it was Martin who was standing behind me.

 "So you are here," Martin said, "I've been looking for you everywhere.” I became numb and speechless. 

 "Hey, Brother," Martin continued, "Are you going to give me a hug?"

 I remain intact.

 "Come on." Martin walked close to me, hugged me, and patted my back. He said in my ears, "In a few years, you will graduate too.”

After that, Martin started to walk away. He keot on walking. My eyes turned red. All of a sudden, he turned his head and said loudly to me, "What do you want?  I’ll send it to you from Boston.” 

 I said in a low voice, "I want a kiss."

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Daily Advice February 12, 2021 Chinese New Year

 Daily Advice February 12, 2021

兒孫滿堂 *****





Children and grandchildren. *****

All children and grandchildren being together ( can be virtual) are smiling to celebrate the Chinese  new year. 

 Congratulations to everyone and wishing everyone longevity and  

 Happy New Year. 

財神到.   ***





The god of wealth.  ***

Quince blossoms are in full bloom signifying each year is better than the previous year. Wish everyone Good  health and longevity, and travel safely. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Daily Advice February 11, 2021 Chinese New Year Eve

Daily Advice February 11, 2021

就快又過年.    ****





Chinese New Year coming soon.  ***

New Year is coming soon. Buy quince flowers, new shoes and new clothes, and get ready tp welcome the Happy New Year. 

新年快樂 ***





Happy New Year.   ***

Wish you a happy new year. May God bless your wishes becoming true. Be safe everywhere you go and may God of Wealth be with you. May you be healthy to be together with your children and your grand-children. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Daily advice February 10, 2021 Forever Love

 Daily Advice February 10, 2021

一生一世 ***





Forever Love.  ***

Congratulations to all lovers. When you  two walk hand in hand, make a wish to stay together forever and live a life happily ever after.  

分生今世 ***





Eternal Love   ***

Happy Valentine's Day to all couples in love and wish them blessings of loving each other forever. 

Daily Advice February 9, 2021 Valentine Day

 Daily Advice February 9, 2021

情人節 ***





Valentine's Day.  ***

Valentine's Day is coming. Although gifts are not as important as true love, 

don’t forget getting gifts for your lovers. 

情人節快樂.   ***





Happy Valentine's Day.  ***

Since I met you, I can't help thinking of you every night. Does this mean I fall in love with you.  Happy Valentine's Day

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