Daily Advice 每日忠言
作者: 陳中興
Philip Chan
Today’s pieces of advice are devoted to my loving wife who passed away a
year ago.
February 1, 2013
最快樂時光 ***
並不是大學畢業 也不是初戀情懷 成家立室都不是 養育嬰孩都不算 最幸福又最快樂 是能夠捱過風浪 同偕白首活到老 |
Happiest times in life * **
The happiest day of one’s life is not the college graduation
date. Nor it is the time when you met your first love. It is
neither your marriage day, nor the day you became a parent. The
happiest time is when you are able to handle adversity, with your partner at
your side, and both of you can go through thin and thick and grow old
天賜良緣 ***
有緣才能在一起 好好珍惜身邊人 互相尊敬同甘苦 有樂大家要分享 有難大家齊分擔 共同奮鬥過難關 定可雲開見月明 |
Being together is a blessing ***
Being together is a divine
blessing. Sometimes people believe that it is fate that brings two
people together. Therefore treasure those who are around you. Always
respect each other, share both joy and sorrow. Be willing to
struggle through tough times and you will be able to see bright days.