June 3, 2013
與人同樂 ***
傷痛的就要忘記 失去的也要忘記 仇恨也不必要記 只記快樂好時光 當下要做的事情 就是本著感恩心 好好去與人同樂 |
Share your
joy with others ***
Just let the past be in the
past. Let your pain be gone. Let your loss be
forgotten. Don’t remember your hatred but only remember the good
times. What you really should do now is to share your joy with others
with a thankful heart.
練好心情 ***
去批評別人錯過 把時間自省吾身
修養自己的品德 把心情練好為止 好到產生樂觀感 前景一定會光明 |
Control your mood ***
Don’t waste your time in criticizing
others. Use your valuable time to examine your own
behavior. Upgrade your knowledge and cultivate your character
traits. Control your mood to be positive. Make sure you always
maintain a sense of optimism. If you can
do this, your future will be bright.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Daily Advice June 3, 2013 與人同樂 Share your joy with others
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Daily Advice May 31, 2013 想活得輕鬆 Live a relaxing and simple life
May 31, 2013
想活得輕鬆 ***
最好能胸懷廣闊 對日常瑣碎煩事 通通都拋於腦後 對人間冷暖世情 肯願意不計前嫌 一切都付之一笑 生活會輕鬆愉快 |
Live a relaxing and simple life ***
If anyone wants to live a relaxing and simple life, one must
first have an open mind. Also they should not spend any energy on
trivial matters, but get rid of all such annoyances. Don’t take the
types of attitude, people have towards you, too seriously. As long as
you are willing to forgive a little, and smile at all events, you will end up
living a relaxing and simple life.
人比人 ***
見比自己強的人 不應該心存忌妒 理應誠心去讚賀 跟他人虛心學習 見不如自己的人 不應該心存輕視 反而想辦法助人 |
People compare to
people ***
There is a negative phrase which says
“Be happy when you see other people suffer and wish people bad luck when
people are having happy times.” A gentleman should not behave like
that. He shouldn’t feel jealous when he sees other people doing better
than himself. Instead, he should praise these people, and learn
something from them. Also a gentleman should not look down on people
when they are less fortunate. Instead he should think of ways to help
these people to extricate themselves from their unfortunate situation.
Daily Advice May 30, 2013 煩惱自尋 Asking for trouble
May 30, 2013
煩惱自尋 ***
做人如果無計較 試問怎會有煩惱 就算有人有惡意 只要你是不在乎 無人可以激到你 到頭來受到激氣 不是你而是別人 |
Asking for
There is a saying, which states
that “Trouble doesn’t come naturally, it is you who ask for it.”
This is well said. When you deal with people, and you don’t make a fuss with everything, you will not have
troubles. Even if there are malicious people who want to hurt you, but
if you don’t care what others do to you, you won’t get upset. In the
end, it is the people who want to hurt you end up getting hurt
少管閒事 ***
多管閒事惹災禍 逢人只說三分話 是非最好不參與 緊記著一句說話 時常來說是非者 肯定是位是非者 遠離是非是最好 |
Mind your own
business ***
If you only mind your own business, you will have fewer
troubles. But if you mind everybody else’s business, you will end
up attracting trouble. It is better to tell only 30% of what you
intend to tell. The best thing to do is not to get involved in
unfounded rumors. It is generally known that the one who comes to tell
rumors is in fact, not an honest person. Most likely he/she is the one who
spreads the unfounded rumors. It is to your advantage to stay away from
Daily Advice May 29, 2013 祟尚的修養 Highest degree of self discipline
May 29, 2013
祟尚的修養 ***
不是為升官發財 而是學做位君子 明瞭做人的道德 領悟道德的義意 對人對事行仁義 實踐祟尚的道德 做位仁義的君子 |
Highest degree of self
discipline ***
Individuals who have self-control,
and discipline themselves, do not spend their lifetime in fighting for power and money. They appreciate
behaving well in life, while exercising good discipline. They
understand what that means to them. They rely on justice in dealing
with people and things. They practice what they believe and behave like
安眈無憂 ***
為了追求名與利 不擇手段去奪取 而弄得身敗名裂 這樣做法值得嗎 為何不安份守己 少些欲望心安靜 生活會安枕無憂 |
You can sleep worry-free ***
We can learn from history that people who use all means,
including illegal actions, to pursue fame and fortune, end up hurting
themselves. Is this worth it? Why are they not content with their
lot, and curb their appetite? If they do that, they will live a life of
sleeping worry-free.
Daily Advice May 28, 2013 活得光榮 Live a glorious life
May 28, 2013
活得光榮 ***
不只為自己而活 而是為眾人而活 把人生的每一天 做些有意義的事 為己為人謀幸福 才算對得起自己 才算是活得光榮 |
Live a
glorious life ***
The most wonderful outlook in life is, not to live just for your own self but, for
the benefit of others as well. Do something meaningful
everyday. Do it, not only for yourself, but for others as well.
Only if you do that, can you then consider you are doing the right thing for
yourself. You can then justifiably feel proud to claim that you are living a
glorious life.
樂觀做人 ***
既然人事沒煩躁 自然會面帶笑容 到處一定受歡迎 而且可廣結人緣
An optimistic man ***
Being optimistic does not necessarily make you worry-free.
Surely it will make you feel like having an open-mind and you won’t get
annoyed easily. You feel less irritable with people and the things that
you work on. It certainly cheers you up with a smile. With
such an outlook and demeanor, you will be welcome wherever you go.
Definitely you will make many new friends. Life will be relaxing and
Daily Advice May 27, 2013 修養好品德 Cultivation of a good moral character ***
May 27, 2013
修養好品德 ***
先練到心如止水 壓制情感的衝動 不應該去與人比 見到別人的成就 也不要嫉妒別人 反而要祝福別人 為別人成就高興 |
Cultivation of a good moral character ***
If you want to cultivate a good moral character, first you must try to maintain
tranquility. Control your impulses. Don’t compare yourself to
others. Whenever you see other people’s achievements, don’t be
jealous but offer blessings. You should be pleased to see such
achievements, and be happy for the success of other people.
寧靜 ***
不會受外界影響 先減少個人慾望 過些清淡的生活 不踏入是非之場 不與人爭權奪利 心靈自然會寧靜 日子一定會安寧 |
peaceful ***
Being peaceful
comes from within, and is not influenced by the
external world. First, try to minimize
your personal desires, and live a simple
life. Don’t get involved in unfounded rumors and don’t fight with
people for power. If you can do that, you will be tranquil and have a
relaxing life.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Daily Advice May 24, 2013 工作壓力 Working pressure
May 24, 2013
工作壓力 ***
結果累壞了身體 沒法去享受人生 吃虧始終是自己 雖然有醫生療理 最好靠自己補身 建立一個好身體 享受人生的樂趣 |
pressure ***
Long-term work pressure will tire
your body out resulting in an inability to properly enjoy life. In such
a situation, your health is being affected by your work. Although
you may have medical help, the best medicine is to take care of yourself in
the first place. Build a healthy body so that you have the energy to
enjoy life.
輕鬆過一天 ***
假日一定要放鬆 試試遊覽博物館 暫忘工作煩瑣事 讓精神有新空間 欣賞古代的奇蹟 增長自己的知識 輕輕鬆鬆過一天 |
Relax for at
least one day ***
If you have a lot of working
pressure, you should at least relax on holidays. Perhaps, try to
visit a museum and temporarily forget about work-related events. Use
your energy to appreciate the wonders of the world gone by, and improve your
personal knowledge and relax for at least one day.