November 18, 2016
當下的擁有 ***
要擁有更多物質 而是明瞭怎樣去 享受當下的擁有 |
What you possess now ***
Happiness is not measured by how much people
possess, it comes from how people enjoy what they possess now.
快樂的來源 ***
快樂是來去無蹤 無須要追逐快樂 只要給別人快樂 自然會感覺快樂 |
Sources of happiness ***
Happiness can come from anywhere. There is no
need to pursue happiness. If people make others happy, they themselves
will naturally become happy too.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Daily Advice November 18, 2016 當下的擁有 What you possess now *
Daily Advice November 17, 2016 良師益友 Mentors *
November 17, 2016
良師益友 ***
良師益友的忠言 不可以隨便忽視 要永恆銘記於心 好好運用定得益 |
Mentors ***
Don't underestimate the value of advice from
mentors. Always remember those pieces of advice. Apply them and surely
you will benefit from them.
忠誠的朋友 ***
為了維護好印象 對批評容易憤怒 試問忠誠的朋友 以後怎敢接近你 |
friendship ***
of saving face, some people cannot accept criticism and become angry.
Such a reaction will drive true friends away since they will not feel
comfortable in approaching such people again.
Daily Advice November 16, 2016 天命 Fate *
November 16, 2016
天命 ***
不可以信天信命 天不能使你貧窮 天沒法使你富裕 一切一切是人為 |
Don't rely on your destiny and believe in
fate. Fate cannot make you poor. Nor can fate make you rich. Everything in your life
is created by yourself.
努力 ***
如果肯勤奮好學 思想一定會精華 但如果荒廢學業 試問怎能有智慧 |
If people are willing to study hard, their
knowledge will be enhanced. But if people give up learning, how can
they be a wise person?
Daily Advice November 15, 2016 自信心 ** Self-confidence *
November 15, 2016
自信心 ***
辦事要有自信心 否則很難去表現 自己真正的能力 結果會一事無成 |
Self-confidence ***
should have confidence in oneself in whatever job one does; otherwise it is
hard to show one's talents, which may result in achieving nothing.
失敗不可怕 ***
不須要沮喪失望 吸取失敗的經驗 迎接未來新機會 |
is not terrible ***
in fact, isn't terrible at all. Don't despair but learn from one's
experiences. Apply what one
learns in the future when an opportunity knocks at the door.
Daily Advice November 14, 2016 活得有意義 Life can be meaningful **
November 14, 2016
活得有意義 ***
人活著的每一天 定要有能力工作 有親朋戚友痛愛 才可活得有意義 |
Life can
be meaningful ***
must keep themselves busy with a talent to make a living while they are still
alive. They also need love and tender care from friends and
relatives. With this kind of support, one can claim that their life is
a meaningful one.
爭面子 ***
事事無須爭面子 爭到得都會是假 只有自己的修養 才可以算是真的 |
not to lose face ***
isn't any need to fight in order not to lose face. Even people who are
successful in not losing face, what they gain isn't real. What is real is their
own sense of integrity and self-worth.
Daily Advice November 11, 2016 個人特色 * Personal characteristics *
November 11, 2016
個人特色 ***
人各有志莫羨人 自己有個人特色 無須要模仿別人 更不必攀比他人 |
Personal characteristics ***
Everyone has one's own characteristics and one’s personal
goal. There is no need to envy others. Also no one needs to
imitate others or compare themselves to others.
對得起社會 ***
不應該逆天行動 邪門歪道不應走 應該要走條正道 才算對得起社會 |
Be loyal to your society ***
Don't ever do anything wrong and don't use dishonest methods to achieve your goal. Always follow the legal way and be loyal to your society. |
Daily Advice November 10, 2016 仇恨 Hatred *
November 10, 2016
仇恨 ***
帶著仇恨過日子 內心是苦多過樂 但能把仇恨放下 內心會開朗愉快 |
Hatred ***
There is
more pain than happiness if one lives in hatred. If one can let
go of one's hatred, life will be relaxed and happy.
隨緣 ***
世事複雜難預料 事情是福或是禍 更是沒法能預知 最好是一切隨緣 |
Take it
easy ***
in life can be complicated and it is hard to forecast whether they are going
to be a blessing or a curse. The best way to deal with them is to
take it easy and follow the flow.
Daily Advice November 9, 2016 空虛 Emptiness
November 9, 2016
空虛 ***
人生的生活之中 如沒有朋友存在 就算黃金有萬兩 也是空虛不滿足 |
Emptiness ***
If there
are no friends in one's life, even if one possesses a million ounces of gold,
one may still feel empty and unsatisfied.
讓步建友情 ***
與朋友共處之道 如果只一味任性 不肯去讓人一步 結果會破壞友情 |
Give in a little ***
If people want to build a good relationship, they
can't insist on winning all the time. Sometimes they have to give in a
little otherwise they will destroy the friendship.
Daily Advice November 8, 2016 怎樣解難題 How to solve problems
November 8, 2016
怎樣解難題 ***
怎樣去解決問題 預備一個好計劃 耐心去實踐計劃 定會成功解難題 |
How to
solve problems ***
One way
to solve a problem is to prepare a detailed plan. Execute the plan with
patience. Ultimately you will solve the problem successfully.
解決辦法 ***
如想解除大煩惱 要保持闊朗胸懷 了解事情的利害 定找到解決辦法 |
Finding a solution ***
If people want to get rid of a major problem, they
should keep an open mind and be willing to forgive. Then analyze the
pros and cons of their issue. Ultimately they will find a solution.
Daily Advice November 7, 2016 誠信 * Honesty **
November 7, 2016
誠信 ***
以誠信去待人事 便可以和諧合作 互相信任好辦事 做起來事半功倍 |
If people are honest with one another, they can win trust from other people resulting
in working together in harmonious cooperation. Such teamwork will double
output with less effort.
暴君 ***
一副暴君型態度 稍有不順意之處 粗言大罵身邊人 對人對己無好處 |
Some people behave in a manner becoming of a
tyrant. Whenever things don't turn out to be what they expect,
they will scold the people around them. Such behavior doesn't offer any
benefits to both themselves and others.