June 2, 2015
言行舉止 ***
做人要是非分明 處事定要有毅力 待人定要有量度 言行舉止要合一 |
and action ***
should learn to distinguish right from wrong. Handle things
perseverance. Always be willing to forgive a little. Make sure to carryout what one says. |
不誇張 ***
不誇耀自己成就 不抺煞別人成就 不自誇自己長處 不批評別人短處 |
Don't ***
boast about your achievements. Don't denigrate other people's
achievements. Don't exaggerate your own strength. Don't criticize
people's weaknesses.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Daily Advice June 2, 2015 言行舉止 Speech and action
Daily Advice June 1, 2015 好事應該做 Good things should be done
June 1, 2015
好事應該做 ***
做好事是應該做 但不是為別人做 是出於個人善心 是用感恩心去做 |
things should be done
All good
things should be done, not for the sake of others, but with gratitude and
好榜樣 ***
時時做個好榜樣 一定要尊敬長老 孝親要不辭勞苦 行善也不求回報 |
Be a
good role model ***
be a good role model. Be sure to respect elders and show filial respect
to your parents.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Daily Advice May 29, 2015 患難時 When faced with adversity
to personal travel, Daily Advice from May 8 through May 29 will be published in
advance. Sorry for any
inconvenience caused.
May 29, 2015
患難時 ***
有人處於患難時 不單只愁眉苦面 還會借酒來消愁 這不是明智之舉 |
faced with adversity ***
faced with adversity, don't put on a sad face. Also if people, at such
a difficult time, try to drown their sorrows in drinking, this is definitely
not a smart move.
發𡚒圖強 ***
想順利渡過難關 要利用患難期間 好好去發奮圖強 才可以跳出苦海 |
for success ***
faced with difficult times, leverage these opportunities to work harder and
more diligently to strive for better times. This action will help people
get out of their difficult situation.
Daily Advice May 28, 2015 心靈溝通 Mutual understanding and communication
May 28, 2015
心靈溝通 ***
友誼靠心靈溝通 事事都會有共識 不會因意見不合 而弄到水火不和 |
understanding and communication ***
friends have mutual understanding and communication. They generally concur on most things, and seldom have serious disagreement to the degree that they yell at each other.
永恆的友誼 ***
友情好比一瓶酒 封存時間越長久 酒的美味愈加好 友誼愈長愈摯誠 |
friendship ***
is like a barrel of wine, the longer the storage time, the more tasty the
wine becomes. The longer true friendship lasts, the more sincere and
dependable the friendship becomes.
Daily Advice May 27, 2015 智慧與修養 Wisdom and self-discipline
May 27, 2015
智慧與修養 ***
想好好完成工作 要有智慧和學識 想贏得人的尊敬 就要有好的修養 |
Wisdom and self-discipline ***
If you want to successfully complete your job, you
need your wisdom and knowledge to help you. If you want other people to respect you, you need to
discipline yourself.
培養品德 ***
培養品德好地方 最好在家中培養 對父母要守孝道 對家人互相關懷 |
Moral development ***
The best place to develop moral behavior is at
home. Learn to be filial to your parents. Show your loving care to your
family members.
Daily Advice May 26, 2015 相處之道 Get along with people
to personal travel, Daily Advice from May 8 through May 30 will be published in
advance. Sorry for any
inconvenience caused.
May 26, 2015
相處之道 ***
人與人相處之道 先健立恭敬忠信 如果相處沒忠信 怎可以結立友誼 |
Get along with people ***
If you want to get along with people, first you
have to be honest and respect others. If you are not honest with each
other, it is unlikely you can have a good relationship with people.
一團和氣 ***
對家人如能做到 關注家人的需要 留意家人的情緒 定可以一團和氣 |
Harmony ***
people manage to pay attention to the needs and the moods of their family
members, they will be able to live with their family members in harmony.
Daily Advice May 25, 2015 以和為貴 Being peaceful is valuable
May 25, 2015
以和為貴 ***
以和為貴的友誼 是以諒解為基礎 加上寬容為動力 才可保永恆友誼 |
peaceful is valuable ***
peaceful friendship relies on mutual understanding and a forgiving heart. If people behave like
this, their friendship can be eternal.
互慰互助 ***
人人需要的朋友 不用來打發時間 而是有一種期望 大家可互慰互相 |
and help each other
need friends not for the sake of spending time together but expect to develop
the relationship into a level whereby both can comfort and help each
other. |
Daily Advice May 22, 2015 贏得人緣 Win popularity
May 22, 2015
贏得人緣 ***
想容易贏得人緣 首先要面帶笑容 對人對事要禮讓 與人相處會和諧 |
Win popularity ***
If you want to build friendships with people, first
you should always wear a smile. Be polite at all times. Such
behavior will make you more approachable and people will be in harmony with
品德 ***
每一個人的尊嚴 並不是金錢權威 而是個人的品德 善良品德受歡迎 |
dignity is not measured by wealth and power. It is measured by one's
personal character. People with good moral character are more popular and
generally more welcome by everyone.
Daily Advice May 21, 2015 為何今日憂 Why worry about tomorrow
May 21, 2015
為何今日憂 ***
為將來胡思亂想 而弄到耿耿於懷 將來是個未知數 為何要今日憂呢 |
Why worry about tomorrow ***
Thinking too much negatively about your future will
make you
cranky and worrisome. Since the future is an unknown, why worry about it now? |
保持樂觀 ***
環境不會令你樂 心態會令你快樂 只要你保持樂觀 可戰勝惡劣環境 |
Be positive ***
The external environment cannot
guarantee happiness but your attitude can. As long as you are optimistic, you
can overcome your adversity.
Daily Advice May 20, 2015 吉人天相 Good luck will come
May 20, 2015
吉人天相 ***
遇到困難的時候 只要不怨天尤人 吉人天相會出現 重見天日在眼前 |
luck will come ***
faced with adversity, don't blame heaven or other people. As long as
you are optimistic, luck will come your way. You ultimately will see
the light at the end of the tunnel.
勿自暴自棄 ***
遇到苦難的時侯 切勿要自暴自棄 一鼓作氣去奮鬥 苦海無邊終到岸 |
give up ***
people encounter difficult situations, they should not give up but struggle
through the end with positive energy. Ultimately they will overcome the
bad situation, and like a boat, finally dock safely.
Daily Advice May 19, 2015 摧殘自己 Don't destroy yourself
May 19, 2015
摧殘自己 ***
活著只求名和利 不擇手段去追求 埋沒良心去做人 其實是摧殘自己 |
Don't destroy yourself ***
If you only live for wealth and fame and
unscrupulously pursue it without any conscience, you are in fact
destroying your life.
心力交瘁 ***
為了名成和利就 天天要勞心勞力 而弄到心力交瘁 這樣是全不值得 |
Physically and
mentally exhausted ***
Everyday, some
people exhaust themselves in the pursuit of wealth
and fame. This results in getting themselves physically and mentally exhausted. This is totally not worth it. |